After more than a century of football, Carlos Mannucci is still the historic powerhouse of the lower divisions. Known for their passionate fans and equally passionate players, Mannucci has continually been one of Serie C’s most successful clubs, even managing to make it to Serie B once.
Formed in 1912 in the city of Forli, Mannucci is one of Italy’s longest-running football clubs, and their passionate and dedicated fanbase have seen them through tough times. With players like Francesco Toldo, Eusebio Di Francesco and Leonardo Bonucci, the club has a wealth of experience and talent.
Despite their lower divisions success, the fans of Carlos Mannucci always aim to give 100% in every game, an attitude that has seen them through countless battles. With a passionate and dedicated fanbase, Mannucci is sure to continue their success in Italy’s lower divisions.
About the author : Romy

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